
GNS 106

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exam - GNS 106

NOTE: The quiz is meant for revision purpose only!

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Since your penultimate year result shows your CGPA is on first class, you have a ready job waiting for you after graduation, because universities employ their first class graduates. This is a fallacy of ______

When the premises provide sufficient grounds for the conclusion, the argument is of which type? _______ argument

Tope’s goal is to be the best student in this class. That means every time the school team scores a goal, he becomes the best student in the class. This is a fallacy of _______

Materialism is concerned with the:

“All Nigerian universities are under NUC. JAMB has concluded admissions this year. Therefore, all Nigerian universities have concluded admissions this year” This argument is

Part of our cultural endowment includes the techniques and skills man uses to tackle the challenges of life, hence

All birds have wings. The sparrow is a bird. Therefore, the sparrow has wings. This argument is:

Akure is the capital city of Ondo state, then the state house must be located in Akure because all state houses are located in state capitals.” This argument is
“Since long ago, then, mankind has tried to understand nature for reasons other than making life easier than more convenient. There has also been the challenge of our own human nature. We stand somehow at the juncture of inner and outer worlds, creature of both body and spirit, subject to laws of nature yet making our own way. We are both part of the order of nature and separate from it, and the cosmos which we glimpse is also a cosmos which we impose after our own manner of understanding” The above quotation is talking about

Letters ---------- are logical variables

“Since long ago, then, mankind has tried to understand nature for reasons other than making life easier than more convenient. There has also been the challenge of our own human nature. We stand somehow at the juncture of inner and outer worlds, creature of both body and spirit, subject to laws of nature yet making our own way. We are both part of the order of nature and separate from it, and the cosmos which we glimpse is also a cosmos which we impose after our own manner of understanding” The above quotation is attributed to

The literary and debating unit is formed by best students from each of the classes. Therefore, the unit is the best in the school. This is a fallacy of _______

A syllogistic argument has ______ premises

The ______ method was  named after  Socrates

______ method applies the art of debate by means of questions  and answers

When the conclusion is a combination of simple statements that have formed the first and second premises, then it is a

What makes a national leader a good leader?
In ______ method, conclusions  in any argument debate or statements are deductively  derived  from general  statements

Philosophical desire and love to know goes beyond mere knowing, it involves

“Women visit the hairdressing salon every week. Yemiwill visit the hairdressing salon this week because she is a woman.” This argument is

Another name for formal fallacies is

JTB is a view in the area of the problem of:

He will succeed in his examinations if and only if he will read well. This is an example of a ________ statement

A set of letters p-z used in logical denotations are called

All students must participate in the environmental sanitation. Any student found absent will be ejected from the halls of residence. This is an example of a fallacy that appeals to

_______ introduced the deductive method to philosophy

“Since long ago, then, mankind has tried to understand nature for reasons other than making life easier than more convenient. There has also been the challenge of our own human nature. We stand somehow at the juncture of inner and outer worlds, creature of both body and spirit, subject to laws of nature yet making our own way. We are both part of the order of nature and separate from it, and the cosmos which we glimpse is also a cosmos which we impose after our own manner of understanding” From the above quotation, you can affirm that:

Argumentum ad Hominem can be

What is philosophy?

An inductive argument is evaluated based on the degree of _______

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