
GNS 106

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exam - GNS 106

NOTE: The quiz is meant for revision purpose only!

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All FUTA  boys  are intelligent. Kehinde  is  a FUTA  boy. Therefore , Kehinde is intelligent. This is an example of ______ method

“All Nigerian universities are under NUC. JAMB has concluded admissions this year. Therefore, all Nigerian universities have concluded admissions this year” This argument is

_______ holds the theory that all knowledge come from experience

When you hit your left leg against a stone, you should have gone back home because that was enough signal to indicate that you will not meet the chairman in his office. This is a fallacy of _____

What makes a national leader a good leader?

The ______ method was  named after  Socrates

When the premises provide sufficient grounds for the conclusion, the argument is of which type? _______ argument

The law of excluded ______abhors a middle course by asserting that a proposition is either true or false.

_______ is the true bedrock of morality??

A set of letters p-z used in logical denotations are called

The laws of thought were identified by

“Only 100 level students offer GNS 106. Since GNS 106 exams is today, all 100 level students will sit for GNS 106 exams today.” This argument is

The law of --------------declares that no proposition can be true and false at the same time.

Akure is the capital city of Ondo state, then the state house must be located in Akure because all state houses are located in state capitals.” This argument is

The disciplinary committee ought to pardon the men, after all he already confessed that he stole the money because he needed money to care for his sickle cell daughter, the very week armed robbers invaded his house. This is an example of a fallacy that appeals to

Since no one has been able to prove that any FUTA student has HIV/AIDS, FUTA is an HIV free university. This is an example of a fallacy that appeals to

-----------rule holds that from a conditional statement and the negation of its consequent we can validly affirm the negation of its antecedent.

In ______ method, conclusions  in any argument debate or statements are deductively  derived  from general  statements

If anything A is not A contradicts the law of

Please support the upcoming population census; it will help the development of our nation. Civil servants are in the best position to mobilize other citizens for it. Whoever does not support the campaign will lose his/her job. This is an example of a fallacy that appeals to

“Since long ago, then, mankind has tried to understand nature for reasons other than making life easier than more convenient. There has also been the challenge of our own human nature. We stand somehow at the juncture of inner and outer worlds, creature of both body and spirit, subject to laws of nature yet making our own way. We are both part of the order of nature and separate from it, and the cosmos which we glimpse is also a cosmos which we impose after our own manner of understanding” The above quotation is attributed to

----------rule holds that from a conditional statement and the negation of its consequent we can validly affirm the negation of its antecedent.

Argumentum ad Hominem can be

The champion of the method that holds the view that  truth is  subjective is

A good leader needs what to move the nation forward with

_______ method is the oldest method  in philosophy?

Letters ---------- are logical variables

FUTA is a neat campus. How then do you return from her teaching and research farm with dirty clothes? This is a fallacy of _______

“All private universities in Nigeria are owned by churches. Bowen and Achievers are private universities in Nigeria. Bowen and Achievers are owned by churches”

No Governor has ever been privileged to win a second term bid in this state. Our new governor should simply plan for four years. This is a fallacy of _______

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